rBiblia Web
Source code for web version of the rBiblia application for Windows (PHP/React). -
Windows CLI conversion tool used to translate source bible translations files stored in the *.xml format into fully working *.bibx files used by the desktop version of the rBiblia application (C# console app). -
CLI conversion tool for improving process of importing translations into *.xml file format. It supports import from the popular bible formats including eSword, Zefania, theWord or MyBible (PHP/Phar executable). -
Language translation files used to localize rBiblia website. If you want to translate rBiblia's website to your language, then this is a good starting point (XML). -
Language translation files used to localize rBiblia application for Windows (XML). -
Source files for the rBiblia Query Language documentation (mkdocs). -
Roadmap and issues board of upcoming features in rBiblia application for Windows. This board is currently in Polish language only.
All contributions to the projects are welcome and helps to spread God's Word over the world.